Important positions in the Polish Society of Pharmacy Students for our pharmacy students

During the XLV General Meeting of Delegates of the Polish Society of Pharmacy Students (PTSF), new members of the Main Board and the Main Audit Committee were elected for the 2024/2025 term. Adam Kunda was elected to serve as PTSF Vice President for International Affairs. Aneta Kowalska will be a member of the PTSF Main Audit Committee in the new term. Congratulations!

Adam Kunda is now the chairman of the Warsaw branch of the PTSF, which operates at our Faculty of Pharmacy. Aneta Kowalska currently holds the role of PTSF Vice President for International Affairs.

The Polish Society of Pharmacy Students is a non-profit organization of pharmacy students and graduates from all over Poland. It is a member of the European Pharmacy Students Association (EPSA) and the International Federation of Pharmacy Students (IPSF). Its goals include supporting pharmacy student organizations, promoting public health, education and supporting pharmacists in their professional development.