The finals of the EuroSkills Gdańsk 2023 are behind us

The prestigious WorldSkills competition, the largest in Europe, has ended. Our student Magdalena Szymańska competed in the "Healthcare" category, nota bene the winner of WorldSkills Poland in the same category.

It was a huge event with 578 participants from 32 countries. They were judged by 500 experts. The contestants competed in 42 categories. One of them was "Healthcare," in which Magdalena Szymańska - a nursing student at the Faculty of health Sciences MUW - competed. EuroSkills 2023 was held in Gdańsk from September 5 to 9.
On the first day, only the opening ceremony was scheduled. Then for four days the competition struggles continued. Each day, each competitor of the "Health Care" competition had three simulations with a "patient" (actor).  In addition, care had to be planned for the next day.

What happened during the competition

-On the first day of the competition I had three simulations, which took place in a hospital setting. These were "patients" with apoplexy, paraplegia and with a lower limb fracture - Magdalena Szymańska reports. On the second day of the competition, our student did three simulations in nursing home conditions. There was a "patient" with dementia, a "patient" with Parkinson's disease and a "patient" suffering from heart failure. -On the last day I had three simulations under home conditions: kidney failure, a patient with stoma, and an emergency at home - says our student, adding that the atmosphere at the competition was great, full of positive energy.

Announcement of the results

The results of the EuroSkills Gdańsk 2023 were announced at the closing ceremony of the competition. In the "Healthcare" category, the first place went to a representative from Finland, the second place to a representative from Germany, and the third place to contestants from Hungary and Norway. Magdalena Szymańska scored 671 points and took 7th place. 
Our representative was prepared by Lena Serafin, MD, PhD, from the Department of Clinical Nursing at the Faculty of Health Sciences MUW. Professor Paweł Włodarski, Vice Rector for International Relations, Development and Promotion MUW, was present at the competition.