Wykład prof. Martina Götte pt."MicroRNAs as pathogenesis factors in endometriosis”

Data wydarzenia
Sala im. prof. Antoniego Dobrzańskiego (nr 23), Centrum Biblioteczno-Informacyjne WUM, ul. Żwirki i Wigury 63, godz. 13:00
Opis wydarzenia

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Presenter: Prof. dr. Martina GÖTTE of the Götte laboratory of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Münster University Hospital (UKM) and  Faculty of Medicine, WWU Münster. The Götte laboratory is conducting research “in elucidating the molecular mechanisms of breast cancer and endometriosis, with a particular focus on the inflammatory and extracellular microenvironment, stem cells and microRNAs” with an aim “to take a translational approach, providing the basis for the development of novel therapeutics and noninvasive diagnostic tools.” (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Martin_Goette)