Zakład Biologii Medycznej zaprasza wszystkich studentów Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego na cykl wykładów, które poprowadzi Profesor Giovanni Gherardi z Uniwersytetu Campus Bio-Medico w Rzymie, wizytujący WUM w ramach projektu WUM Akademia Innowacyjnej Dydaktyki.
Department of Medical Biology invites all the MUW's students for lectures „Challenges in Clinical Microbiology” with Prof. Giovanni Gherardi, a Visiting Professor from the University Campus Bio-Medico. The lectures are organized within „MUW Academy of Innovative Didactics” project, funded under the POWER programme operating within European Union Social Fund.
14 stycznia 2020 r.
Preanalytical and analytical phases in clinical microbiology diagnostics
15 stycznia 2020 r.
Preanalytical phases and rapid diagnostic tests for the diagnosis of bloodstream infections
16 stycznia 2020 r.
Detection of the mechanisms of resistance for the major multidrug-resistant organisms
17 stycznia 2020 r.
Role of the clinical microbiologist in the antimicrobial stewardship programs
Gdzie: Sala wykładowa nr 407 przy ul. Litewskiej 14/16, WUM
Wykłady będą prowadzone w języku angielskim.
Uwaga! Liczba miejsc limitowana – bardzo prosimy o wysłanie krótkiego zgłoszenia na poszczególne dni na adres:
January 14
Preanalytical and analytical phases in clinical microbiology diagnostics
January 15
Preanalytical phases and rapid diagnostic tests for the diagnosis of bloodstream infections
January 16
Detection of the mechanisms of resistance for the major multidrug-resistant organisms
January 17
Role of the clinical microbiologist in the antimicrobial stewardship programs
The lecture will be held in English.
Where: room no 407, Department of Medical Biology of MUW, 14/16 Litewska Street.
Limited places available – please register early via for each day.
Dr. Giovanni Gherardi is a specialist with high qualification in clinical microbiology at the University Hospital Campus Bio-Medico. He is a Deputy Director of the School of Specialization in Clinical Microbiology and Virology of the Faculty of Medicine at the University Campus Bio-Medico.
His main areas of interest are antibiotic resistance genotyping and phenotyping, studying of bacterial virulence factors, comparative studies on diagnostic tests for diagnosis of bacterial infections, rapid diagnostic tests for diagnosis of bloodstream infections, and studies on antimicrobial stewardship programs and interventions. He has published more than 150 scientific publications including book chapters.