Wykład prof. Davida Herrery z Uniwersytetu Complutense w Madrycie

Data wydarzenia
Godz. 15.30-17.30, on-line
Opis wydarzenia

Prof. Herrera wygłosi wykład zatytułowany "Study designs for establishing associations - the example of the association between periodontal and systemic diseases"

15.30-15.35 Presentation 
15.35-16.20 Concepts of association and risk. Evaluation of the association between periodontal and systemic diseases. Biological plausibility - mechanistic studies
16.20-16.30 Q&A 
16.30-17.15 Epidemiological studies. Intervention studies. Systematic reviews. Consensus reports
17.15-17.25 Q&A 
17.25-17.30 Closing remarks 

Biogram prof. Davida Herrery

  • Full Professor, Chair of Periodontology, and Associated Dean for Clinics, Faculty of Odontology, Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Madrid, Spain
  • Co-director of the Graduate Program in Periodontology (UCM), accredited by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP)
  • Co-director of the ETEP (Etiology and Therapy of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases) Research Group (UCM)
  • President of the Spanish Society of Periodontology (SEPA, 2013-2016)
  • President of the Continental European Division (CED) of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) (2019-2020)
  • President of the Periodontal Research Group (PRG) of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) (2020-2021)
  • Chair of the European Workshop Committee of the EFP (2020-today)
  • Member of the Global Periodontal Health Project (GPHP) Task Team of the FDI World Dental Federation (2016-2022)
  • Scientific activity within periodontal and peri-implant diseases (Etiology, Therapy, Microbiology and Antimicrobials): more than 180 scientific publications in JCR journals


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Identyfikator spotkania: 883 6082 8282
Kod dostępu: 405376

To kolejne wydarzenie organizowane przez Szkołę Doktorską WUM w ramach programu STER Umiędzynarodowienie szkół doktorskich NAWA. Prof. David Herrera będzie gościem naszej uczelni na zaproszenie prof. Pawła Włodarskiego, prorektora ds. umiędzynarodowienia, promocji i rozwoju.


Szkoła Doktorska WUM