MUW for Ukraine

MUW for Ukraine

Resolution of the Senate of the Warsaw Medical University from 28 February 2022 on expressing its support for Ukraine 

"We, the community of the Warsaw Medical University, stand in full solidarity with the Free Nation of Independent Ukraine. We categorically condemn the unlawful attack by the Russian Federation on a free and sovereign State. There is not and will not be our consent to military aggression and acts of violence against Ukrainian citizens.
We pay tribute to those who fought in defence of the Fatherland. We admire you, support you, and declare all possible assistance to the attack victims. We are with you at this dramatic and challenging time for your country."

УХВАЛА СЕНАТУ ВАРШАВСЬКОГО МЕДИЧНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ від 28 лютого 2022 р. Про висловлення підтримки Україні

"Ми, Спільнота Варшавського медичного університету, заявляємо про нашу повну солідарність із Вільним Народом Незалежної України. Ми категорично засуджуємо незаконний напад Російської Федерації на вільну і суверенну Державу. Немає і не буде нашої згоди на військову агресію та акти насильства проти громадян України. 
Ми віддаємо шану мужнім Захисникам Батьківщини. Ми захоплюємося Вами, підтримуємо Вас і заявляємо про надання всієї можливої допомоги постраждалим від нападу. Ми з Вами у цей важкий та драматичний для Вашої Країни час."

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Studenci - liczby blok
doctors, feldshers, nursers from Ukraine trained by specialists from WUM and LPR in advanced emergency medical activities and battlefield medicine
participants in free Polish language courses for Ukrainian refugees
Ukrainian academics trained in medical teaching methodology
Ukrainian students and PhD students admitted under the Erasmus+ programme
Ukrainian academics who participated in conferences and training at WUM clinics as part of the Erasmus+ programme
doctors, feldshers, nursers from Ukraine trained by specialists from WUM and LPR in advanced emergency medical activities and battlefield medicine
participants in free Polish language courses for Ukrainian refugees
Ukrainian academics trained in medical teaching methodology
Ukrainian students and PhD students admitted under the Erasmus+ programme
Ukrainian academics who participated in conferences and training at WUM clinics as part of the Erasmus+ programme
Courses of Polish as a foreign language for refugee Ukrainian citizens
The Foreign Language Center of the Medical University of Warsaw, as part of the "Solidarity with Ukraine" program of the National Agency for Academic Exchange, has opened registration for free preparatory courses in Polish.
Medics needed at the Refugee Aid Center in Nadarzyn
In the exhibition halls of Ptak Warsaw Expo in Nadarzyn, near Warsaw, a Refugee Assistance Centre was established. Currently there are about 10 thousand people there. It is likely to be as many as 18,000 soon. There are four medical points onsite.
Medical care and shelter - how we support refugees
More and more people are fleeing war-torn Ukraine every day. Many of them need medical care. Our students are involved in organizing medical assistance at Warsaw train stations. You can sign up for internal medicine consultations in Ukrainian at the Medical Center MUW. Additionally some of our dormitories can shelter foreign students who studied in Ukraine and are now returning to their home countries