Focus on MUW

Choroby rzadkie w nefrologii dzieci i dorosłych tematem konferencji na WUM
This was the first conference organized by the Center for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Rare Diseases in Pediatric and Adult Nephrology at MUW, which consists of three departments: Department of Pediatrics and Nephrology, Department of Transplantation, Immunology, Nephrology and Internal Diseases, and Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Internal Medicine. - Our conference would not have come into being if it were not for the enthusiastic welcome and commitment of all three departments that make up the center, which demonstrates the need for contact and cooperation between adult and pediatric units - said Małgorzata Mizerska-Wasiak, MD, PhD, of the Department of Pediatrics and Nephrology MUW, chairwoman of the organizing committee, in opening the symposium.
Diabetic foot - multispecialty sparing treatment available at the UCC MUW
In advanced cases of diabetic foot syndrome, until now, the treatment of choice was amputation of the limb. Today, we have sparing treatment - but in order to apply it, the cooperation of doctors from many specialties is needed.
First New Year's Conference on Palliative Medicine and Hospice Care
The event was organized by the Department of Palliative Medicine MUW and Caritas Poland. The conference had an unusual character, as lectures on important topics related to treatment and palliative care were combined with joint caroling. Doctors, nurses, psychologists, physiotherapists, chaplains, managers of medical facilities and hospices, volunteer leaders, and students were invited to participate.
Warsaw International Medical Congress for Young Scientists: zaprezentuj wyniki swoich badań
The Warsaw International Medical Congress for Young Scientists (WIMC), organized by students from our university, is one of the largest conferences for young scientists in Europe. It is highly regarded in the scientific world. This year's 20th edition will be held on April 11-13, 2025. Are you a young scientist and want to present the results of your research work? Submit your abstract today!
Poland's first implantation of a subcutaneous arrhythmia recorder in a child with the use of AI
Specialists from the Department of Pediatric Cardiology and General Pediatrics MUW performed a pioneering procedure to implant an innovative arrhythmia recorder using artificial intelligence algorithms. The patient was a 5-year-old boy following Tetralogy of Fallot surgery who had been experiencing loss of consciousness of unexplained cause. Previous diagnostics had failed to identify the cause of these symptoms, a novel device is expected to help with this.
O bezpieczeństwie zdrowotnym. Konferencja na WUM
Preventive health care as our country's export commodity during the Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union was the topic of the conference closing the “Road to the Presidency” series.
MUW among world leaders in research on vaginal microbiota
The ANNA research project is underway at our university. This is the first scientific endeavor focusing on the role of the vaginal microbiota in women's health.
Powołani konsultanci wojewódzcy. Grupa osób w eleganckim pomieszczeniu. Uśmiechają się do zdjęcia. Trzymają w rękach teczki.
The Mazovian Governor has appointed provincial consultants for the first and subsequent terms. Among the experts who received their appointments are specialists from our university: Paweł Derlatka, MD, PhD, Prof. Aneta Nitsch-Osuch, Prof. Paweł Krajewski and Prof. Maria Radziwoń-Zaleska.
Olimpiada w pielęgniarstwie stylu życia w chorobach cywilizacyjnych rozstrzygnięta
The 1st International Olympics of Knowledge and Skills in Lifestyle Nursing in Civilization Diseases, aimed at nursing students, has ended. In the finals, 18 students representing eight universities from across the country competed for a place on the podium. Jakub Foryciarz, MUW student, turned out to be the best. Second place went to Magdalena Kępniak, also from our university, and third place went to Wiktoria Tracz from the Medical University of Lublin. What was the purpose of the Olympics and what was the struggle based on?
Coordinated care from A to Z - inaugural lecture for public health classes
Why does coordinated care provide a better level of service, what conditions can be treated in this model of care, who is the coordinator.... ? These and many other questions were answered in her lecture by Dr. Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas, UMW Professor, Plenipotentiary of the Minister of Health for the implementation of coordinated care in primary care, national consultant in family medicine.