Focus on MUW

Dr Marcin Podgórski nowym dyrektorem LPR
On May 29, 2024, Dr. Marcin Podgórski of the Department of Emergency Medical Sciences of the Faculty of Health Sciences MUW was appointed a director of the Polish Medical Air Rescue.
Studenci farmacji wzięli udział w ERASMUS+ Blended Intensive Programme na Litwie
Eight members from the Herba and Herbarium scientific circles and their academic teachers from the Faculty of Pharmacy traveled to Lithuania. During the trip, which lasted from May 27 to 31, the group visited sites of exceptional botanical and pharmaceutical importance and participated in discussions on the role of plant substances and compounds of natural origin in modern medicine. The entire event was organized by Lietuvos Sveikatos Mokslu Universitetas in Kaunas.
The project entitled “Building trust in vaccinations using the latest communication and social influence tools” has been completed. It was implemented from 2021 by a consortium of four universities. The Medical University of Warsaw was responsible for analyzing Poles’ attitude towards vaccinations, among other things. The culmination of work on the project was a workshop summarizing the 3-year activities of our university’s team.
Cztery badaczki z WUM z dofinansowaniem od Narodowego Centrum Nauki
Monika Czerwinska, MD, PhD, Head of the Chair and Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacogenomia, Prof. Joanna Kolmas and Ewa Olędzka, MD, PhD, from the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Biomaterials, received funding under the Opus 26 competition, while Dr. Ilona Cieślak from the Department of Education and Research in Health Sciences, received funding under the Miniatura 8 competition.
Ważne stanowiska w Polskim Towarzystwie Studentów Farmacji dla naszych studentów farmacji
During the XLV General Meeting of Delegates of the Polish Society of Pharmacy Students (PTSF), new members of the Main Board and the Main Audit Committee were elected for the 2024/2025 term. Adam Kunda was elected to serve as PTSF Vice President for International Affairs. Aneta Kowalska will be a member of the PTSF Main Audit Committee in the new term. Congratulations!
Our student winner of the Great Synapse 2024 competition
The 6th edition of the National Physiological Knowledge Competition Great Synapse has ended. It was attended by 48 students from 16 medical faculties of renowned universities in Poland. Our student - Wiktoria Kosiorowska won second place in the individual classification.
Juwenalia Różne Pokolenia
This year's student holiday, the Various Generations Juvenalia, was organized by the local governments of six universities, including MUW. Celebrities and underground artists played on stage, rousing as many as 10,000 students to join in the fun.
Mężczyzna w średnim wieku, uśmiecha się do aparatu.
How do you plan a scientific study that will establish links between diseases? Knowledge and experience on this topic were shared by an internationally recognized periodontist - Prof. David Herrera of the Complutense University of Madrid.
Prodziekan Wydziału Nauk o Zdrowiu Autorytetem Polityki Zdrowotnej
Profesor Robert Gałązkowski odebrał nagrodę przyznawaną przez redakcję w kategorii Mentor. Profesor został uhonorowany za „uskrzydlenie Lotniczego Pogotowia Ratunkowego i inspirację młodych ratowników pasją”.
prof. Grąt
Prof. Michal Grąt, Head of the Department of General, Transplant and Liver Surgery MUW, has become the new national consultant in clinical transplantology. The term will last five years.