Focus on MUW

Nasi specjaliści znów pobiegli na rzecz transplantologii
A great sporting feast took place in Warsaw on Sunday - the 18th Warsaw Half Marathon. Among the more than 13,000 participants there were specialists from MUW, who used the occasion to promote the idea of transplantation. They started in T-shirts with the inscription "We run together for transplantation" in the “Radosne Organki” team, thus supporting the LIVERstrong Transplantation Foundation.
Znamy laureatów I edycji Studenckiego Konkursu Chirurgicznego
The competition consisted of suturing skin with surgical tools and performing tasks on the DaVinci Robot trainer. The best turned out to be Maja Lurbecka, the second was Monika Lis, the third place went to Piotr Więckowski. The competition was accompanied by lectures on clinical practice in various surgical departments.
Poster with inscription: "Identify and characterize crystal forms Warsaw 2024"
Prof. Dario Braga gave a presentation on solid forms of the drug. The lecture was held online and had an open format.
Człowiek w fartuchu lekarskim w kolorze zielonym, na szyi ma zawieszony stetoskop.
The Medical Examination Center has released statistics from this year's spring session of the Medical Final Examination. Of the 1128 graduates of our university who took the exam, 1119 passed. The maximum score they achieved was 193 points, the average was 167.18 points.
Prelegentka na sali wykładowej mówi do mikrofonu. Lewą rękę ma uniesioną. Wskazuje na swoją prezentację wyświetlaną na ekranie.
Why they are so valuable, where they are found, how they are used - the high school students were introduced to the world of stem cells by Professor Magdalena Kucia, Head of the Laboratory of Regenerative Medicine MUW.
Lekarz w fartuchu chirurgicznym przeprowadza operację
Today, the specialists from the Department of Ophthalmology MUW performed nine minimally invasive MIMS micro sclerostomy procedures on patients with glaucoma. The operations took place at the Independent Public Clinical Ophthalmology Hospital in Warsaw.
Para młodych ludzi na scenie z mikrofonami w rękach.
On Friday, March 8, there was an unusual concert by the university's Music Based Medicine band. Extraordinary because of the occasion, Women's Day, and because it was the last performance by young artists from MUW.
Szansa na poprawę jakości życia dla pacjentów urologicznych
Specialists from the Department of General, Oncological and Functional Urology UCC MUW performed the first sacral neuromodulation procedure in Poland using a new generation pacemaker. The patient was a woman with multiple sclerosis suffering from mixed urinary incontinence. As emphasized by Professor Piotr Radziszewski, Head of the Department, who performed the procedure with his team, in patients suffering from neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction, this technique has a high success rate of up to 80%. And thanks to new-generation devices, patients will have a good quality of life for up to 15 years.
Grafika przedstawiająca człowieka siedzącego w dziwacznym pojeździe.
Dr. Stanisław Szlufik from the Department of Neurology of the Faculty of Health Sciences MUW has become one of the few medical scientists to win the NAWA Bekker grant to travel to Prof. Andres Lozano's team in Toronto. There he will engage in a novel research study entitled "Decision support system for the evaluation of brain connectome supported by artificial intelligence methods".
Spotkanie z Małżonką Prezydenta RP w sprawie upamiętnienia Stanisławy Leszczyńskiej
Stanisława Leszczyńska is the patron saint of Polish midwives. To honor this remarkable figure, a chamber sculpture depicting her is to be erected at the Duchess Anna Mazowiecka Hospital in Warsaw. Members of the Social Committee Commemorating the Character of Stanisława Leszczyńska asked the First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda to support this initiative. The visit to the Presidential Palace took place on March 5, 2024.