Focus on MUW

Universities of the future - MUW one of 12 universities in Poland implementing an innovative educational project
The changing labor market requires universities to take a new approach to education. The “Universities of the Future” project, which aims to prepare universities to meet new challenges, has just begun. The project is being carried out at 12 Polish universities, and the Medical University of Warsaw is one of them.
WUM współorganizatorem 12. edycji Międzynarodowego Kursu Szkoleniowego Europejskiej Grupy ds. Orbitopatii Gravesa (EUGOGO). Grupa uczestników, którzy stoją i pozują do zdjęcia.
Orbitopathy is a disease that may lead to temporary or permanent damage to the eye. The aim of the EuGoGO’s course is to improve the level of medical care for patients with orbitopathy and, as a result, improve their quality of life.
We know the best MUW Student Scientific Circles
The Student Scientific Society of our university has announced the results of the MUW Scientific Circles Ranking 2023/2024. 183 scientific circles that reported on their activities were included in the list. Who made it to the top of the ranking?
Neurologia, genetyka i rehabilitacja noworodka. Konferencja na WUM
Experts representing these three areas of medicine argued during the conference that coordinated multidisciplinary care for newborns with neurodevelopmental disorders is crucial for their future quality of life.
About artificial intelligence in medicine - conference at MUW
During the meeting, experts discussed whether AI will replace doctors in the future, and whether we can have full control over the flow of our data due to its development. They also explained what is most important in the current RODO provisions and other regulations - of the AI Act type.
CSMI i współpraca z wojskiem
A letter of intent was signed regarding cooperation between the Center for Medical Simulation and Innovation MUW and the 6th Mazovian Brigade of Territorial Defense in Radom for national defense.
WUM na 14. Forum Rozwoju Mazowsza
The annual event is an opportunity to meet and discuss the challenges and prospects for the development of Mazovia with the support of European funds. It is attended by representatives of administration, business, the non-governmental sector, as well as representatives of education and science, including those from our university. One of the debates entitled “On the way to the future. What do we need to prepare for?” featured Prof. Marcin Sobczak, Vice Rector for Science and Technology Transfer. And at a booth organized by the Center for Preclinical Research and Technology, of which MUW is a consortium member, it was possible to talk to experts operating within CePT.