Focus on MUW - 2024

Jak widzą Polacy - policy brief
Retina Week is an International Retinal Disease Awareness Week, celebrated annually in the last week of September. To mark the occasion, the Faculty of Health Sciences MUW has produced a document entitled “How Poles see - a policy brief.”
Magdalena Justyniarska, młoda kobieta, w trakcie prezentacji multimedialnej, trzyma w ręce mikrofon, za nią kolorowy slajd
On September 20, the final gala of the 12th edition of the BraveCamp Entrepreneurship Academy was held, during which 10 students from three Warsaw universities competed for the podium for the best business idea, scientific project or socially engaged venture. The jury decided to award 2nd place to Magdalena Justyniarska, a medical student from MUW, for her Cellbeing project. The project involves the development of a device and software that would support scientists in cell culture.
25 edycja „Biegu po Nowe Życie” za nami
The race featured 100 four-person relay teams. Not to compete, but - to support transplantation and reach out to the people of Poland with the message that organ donation is a chance - often the only one - for many patients to live. The sporting emotions were accompanied by touching stories about what a huge gift a transplant is. The run was again attended by the medics from the University Clinical Center MUW, where liver, kidney, pancreas, bone marrow, cornea, lung, heart and multi-organ transplants are performed, both in adults and children.
Odkryj nasz Wydział
On September 17 and 19 of this year, another edition of workshops for high school students from classes with an extended biological and/or chemical profile was held in the lecture, exercise and laboratory rooms of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
Pierwsza w Polsce implantacja rejestratora arytmii nowej generacji z algorytmem sztucznej inteligencji
The specialists from the 1st Chair and Department of Cardiology MUW performed the implantation of an innovative arrhythmia recorder using artificial intelligence algorithms. The patient was a 57-year-old patient with recurrent loss of consciousness. Previous diagnostics had failed to identify the cause of these symptoms, the innovative device is expected to help with this.
Licealiści jak studenci
Throughout September, high school students from Warsaw and Mazovian Province are visiting our new Medical Simulation Center to learn about modern teaching methods in high-fidelity rooms - recreating, for example, an accident scene, a hospital emergency department or a delivery room.
MINIATURA 8 dla badaczki z Laboratorium Medycyny Regeneracyjnej WUM
Dr. Agnieszka Łukomska of the Regenerative Medicine Laboratory MUW has received funding for preliminary/pilot research on the use of the CD113 marker to identify retinal stem cells. Our scientist's research will provide preliminary data that will determine the direction for future scientific projects on retinal stem cell therapies to regenerate the central nervous system.
Distinction for patient-centricity for hepatologists and psychologists of the Medical University of Warsaw
A team of doctors and psychologists from the Department of Hepatology, Transplantology and Internal Diseases and from the Health Psychology Center received the “Ewa Borek ‘Leader of Patient-centricity’ 2024” award for an interventional study aimed at improving the quality of life of patients with rare liver diseases. This is a unique distinction because it is awarded directly by patients.
Sześcioro specjalistów z WUM powołanych na konsultantów wojewódzkich
On July 8, Mazovian Governor Mariusz Frankowski handed out appointments to the positions of Mazovian province consultants to thirteen doctors. Among them are specialists from MUW: Dr. Joanna Lange, Janusz Trzebicki, MD, PhD, Prof. Mariusz Frączek, Dr. Elżbieta Kozak-Szkopek, Prof. Magdalena Durlik and Prof. Sławomir Nazarewski.
Innovative thrombus removal procedure
The latest system for removing thrombus from vessels has been used at the Department of Cardiology MUW. This is one of the first applications of the minimally invasive system – AlphaVac, in Europe.