Archive - 2024

We are all in tune! - Unveiling of the GOCC mural at the MUW
A mural commemorating the 32nd Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has been unveiled at the Department of Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Diseases and Allergy MUW.
Science: the phenomenon of “self-eating” cells in the pathogenesis of endometriosis

Endometriosis is a gynecological disease that is one of the causes of infertility and increased pain in women. Among the many hypotheses about the mechanisms of its formation is autophagy, that is the phenomenon of “self-eating” cells. It is the focus of a project being carried out in the Chair and Department of Histology and Embryology MUW by Maja Owe-Larsson, a fourth-year medical student. The research aims to answer the question of whether inducing “self-eating” in endometrium-derived cells results in the expression of selected proteins that may be involved in the pathogenesis of endometriosis.
Prof. Marek Krawczyk an active member of the V Faculty of Medicine of the PAU
The rector of MUW from 2008-2016, Prof. Marek Krawczyk, was elected an active member of the V Faculty of Medicine of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU) on June 15, 2024. Out of 15 candidates submitted from various scientific centers in Poland, only Prof. Krawczyk's candidacy was supported by a majority of the PAU General Assembly.
The opening of a state-of-the-art PET/CT lab at the UCC MUW
On June 14, a state-of-the-art PET/CT lab was opened at the Department of Nuclear Medicine UCC MUW. From now on, UCC MUW patients will be diagnosed using a technologically advanced device, which will make the examination faster and more accurate. And, equally important, the dose of radiation absorbed by the patient will be reduced.
We already know the scientific leaders of MUW
We have a list of 100 scientific leaders - compiled for activities in 2020-2023 and the results of the ranking of departments, which included activities in 2023.
Mariusz Tomaniak, a young man dressed in a doctor's gown stands in a treatment room
The winner of the Supertalents in Medicine competition is a specialist in cardiology, a research and teaching assistant professor at the 1st Chair and Department of Cardiology UCC MUW. The competition's jury, composed of renowned experts and authorities in Polish medicine, recognized him for his clinical activities and scientific interests, which focus on invasive cardiology and diagnostic imaging. His achievements include the development and validation of a new method of coronary angiography analysis - more sensitive in diagnosing significant lesions in the coronary arteries.
Through the keyhole, that is about a modern heart surgery
Another edition of the MUW Patronage Program prepared by the Communication and Promotion Office has ended. Its culmination was a lecture on innovations in interventional cardiology delivered by Prof. Marcin Grabowski, Head of the 1st Chair and Department of Cardiology.
Another winners of NCN competitions
Five researchers from our university were among the 322 grant recipients who have just received decisions on receiving funding in NCN competitions: OPUS 25, PRELUDIUM 22, MAESTRO 15 and SONATA BIS 13. They are: Prof. Sebastian Granica, Agnieszka Muchowicz,MD, PhD, Anna Leśniak, MD, PhD, Agata Gaweł and Joanna Jarosz-Popek. The total amount of funding for researchers from MUW was more than PLN 8 million.
Our students received scholarships from the hands of the Minister of Health
Eight of our students received scholarships from the Minister of Health for the 2023/2024 academic year for significant academic achievements. The diplomas were presented by the Minister of Health, Izabela Leszczyna.
The scientific conference on challenges and prospects in the obstetrics profession has ended.
Its participants could learn about the changes that midwives will face, including the extension of their professional qualifications. Scientific works of students and teachers of the Faculty of Health Sciences were also presented. The works are not only interesting for the academic community but also important from the point of view of patients and the health care system.