Archive - 2024

Poland's first new generation artificial heart
On April 4, 2024, the Department of Heart, Chest and Transplant Surgery of the University Clinical Center of the Medical University of Warsaw, headed by Prof. Mariusz Kuśmierczyk, saw the first implantation of an Aeson Carmat total artificial heart (TAH) of French production.
CWUR ranking: Our university among the top 4.3 percent of the world's universities!
The Center for World University Rankings again evaluated nearly 21,000 universities from around the world, and then created a list of the top 2,000. Our university could not be missing in it. MUW, with a score of 71.1 points, was ranked 897th in the worldwide ranking. This places our university among 4.3 percent of the world's best universities! MUW was also highly ranked in the group of national universities, taking 9th place.
On professional independence of nurses and midwives. Forum at MUW
What is the self-reliance of nurses and midwives in practice? Why does the system overlook many of their important competencies? And what can be done to change this? These are the main issues of the conference, held at MUW.
Graduates of '74 celebrated renewal of diplomas
The celebration of the symbolic renewal of diplomas after 50 years is always accompanied by positive emotions. The event, during which the university thanks medical and dental graduates for their commitment and dedication to the health and lives of patients, is also a great opportunity to reminisce about student years together with long-lost colleagues.
West-East Conference
Can the dentist contribute to identifying hyperglycemia and type 2 diabetes risk? What is the importance of communication skills in medical practice? What should the prevention of musculoskeletal overload in the medical profession look like? These are just some of the topics addressed at the 17th West-East Conference, which took place on April 26 within the walls of our university.
MUW Science Development Fund: additional PLN 13.8 million for science development
Thanks to the very good result of the evaluation of the quality of scientific activity and the fact that all scientific disciplines represented at MUW received a high A category, our university received additional funding in the amount of PLN 13.8 million for the development of science in 2024-2026.
Careers for medics: it's worth knowing what the opportunities are
On April 24, the second edition of the Festival of Possibilities - Medical Job Fair was held at the Teaching Center MUW. Our students and graduates were able to meet with employers from the medical and pharmaceutical industries to see the variety of paths they can choose when planning their professional future. Participants were treated to an exhibition zone, a counseling zone, a Q&A zone, as well as a zone where they could have their professional photo taken for their application documents after having their makeup done by makeup artists.
Cardiology. What's new in diagnosis and treatment?
National Heart Week is underway. In connection with this, we asked our specialists from the 1st Chair and Department of Cardiology about the latest methods of diagnosing and treating heart diseases.
On virtuosity in medicine. Another lecture as part of the MUW Patronage Program
This time the lecture for high school students was given by Prof. Artur Ludwin, Head of the 1st Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University Center for Women's and Newborn Health MUW. He spoke about how to become a virtuoso of the “keyhole” gynecological surgery.
A novel system to "vacuum" thrombus and tumors from veins used for the first time at UCC MUW
Specialists from the 1st Chair and Department of Cardiology UCC MUW, in cooperation with the team from the Department of Heart, Thoracic and Transplant Surgery UCC MUW, performed the procedure on April 15 using the innovative AngioVac system. The patient was a 38-year-old patient with a primary diagnosis of liver echinococcal cyst, complicated by a septic condition.