Archive - 2024

MUW and UCC MUW for patients
The ZdrowieJeMY support group, aimed at patients suffering from obesity and those interested in the topic of ways to treat the disease, invites to meetings with specialists from MUW and UCC MUW. The goal of the event is to educate patients about health.
Two photographs side by side. In each photo, two men. In the left photo: from the left a younger man holding a diploma, on the right a middle-aged man. They are smiling at the camera. In the right photo: from left, a younger man holding a diploma, on the right a middle-aged man. They smile at the camera.
The prestigious award went to Dr. Maciej Janik from the Department of Hepatology, Transplantation and Internal Diseases UCC MUW, for his research on hepatitis, and Krzysztof Ozierański, MD, PhD, from the First Chair and Department of Cardiology UCC MUW, for his research on myocarditis. At the December meeting of the MUW Senate, the scientists received special congratulations from Rector Zbigniew Gaciong on the occasion.